The symposium will be organized by
The Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University of Brno in co-operation with The Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague under endorsement of AMPERE.
Chairman: Milan Potáček (
Vicechairman: Milan Hájek (
Secretary: Slávka Janků (
Vladimír Církva, Jiří Dostál, Jana Foltýnová, Radovan Kareš, Ctibor Mazal, Jiří Mikulášek, Zdeněk Moravec, Alena Pálková, Eva Táborská, Jiří Šibor, Milena Urbánková
D. Agraval, USA
D. Bogdal, Poland
A. Breccia, Italy
S. Bradshaw, South Africa
R.N. Gedye, Canada
J. Hamelin, France
K. Huang, China
C. Leonelli, Italy
O. Kappe, Austria
M. Larhed, Sweeden
A. Loupy, France
M. Machiels, Belgium
M. Mingos, UK
Y. Nikawa, Japan
M. Radoiu, UK
E. de los Reyes, Spain
E. Reszke, Poland
Ch. Strauss, Australia
R. Varma, USA
S. Yanagida, Japan